
For users on the Pro plan, after completing the account and gateway setup in the ‘Send your first SMS’ guide , we can configure Email2SMS for your email.

Email2SMS enables you to manage your SMS conversations through your normal email inbox (no extensions required). Email2SMS requires email registration to send via your account. To configure Email2SMS follow the steps below:


Open Settings

In the SBMG portal click the Settings menu item and then select the Email2SMS tab.


Add Email

The first time you visit this page you will have no configured permitted senders. An allowance for an email can be added by clicking the Add Email button and entering the email you want to allow to send SMS via email with your SBMG account.


Manage Emails

You can add additional emails repeating step 2 for up to 15 emails on the Pro plan. Emails can be removed from the whitelist by clicking the delete button alongside the configured email.

Send it

In your email client simply compose a new message to the mobile number (E.164 internal format) you want to message followed by (e.g. Sending that email will send an SMS with the content of your email.


To avoid sending signatures or when replying to an Email2SMS thread, the entire email trail, user the $END terminator to mark the end of your message (example below).

Hi there,

This is a SMS message sent with Email2SMS on SBMG. You can reply here and I'll receive your message as a reply to this email.

Have a great day 👋


Email signature conent with images, links and francy formatting that would be long mess in plain text will not be included as I've used the terminator above.